Sixty isn't the new 40, and 80 isn't the new 60. I know it. You know it. So why do we buy into it?

As you know, it's my birthday in just two days, more precisely, on Friday, 25th of May- and I'm getting older, people! Although, I still dare to be called young. 22 is the perfect age; this is the third year I'm saying this it and it probably will not be the last ^^
I don’t know about you, but the chirpy tales that dominate the public discussion about aging — you know, the ones that tell us that age is just a state of mind, that “60 is the new 40″ and “80 the new 60″ — irritate me. What’s next: 100 as the new middle age?
Hmmm, whatever ! - It's Official: I know what I want for my birthday. I made my little list of birthday wishes (material and immaterial) and I hope that at least part of will be fulfilled.

More focus, more mental discipline.
I want to say what I mean.
I want to know what I feel.
Less worry.
More time with joy, less with anxiety.
Better priorities. Determination. Resolve.
Closer relationship with God and strengthen my spiritual life.
I want to blog more frequently and make this blog a strong resource for inspiration and ideas for lovely soirees.
Some quality time with my friends and family.
Amazing journey.

 And of course, a few material things as well ^^

1. Peplum - The interesting thing about peplum is that I have nowhere seen it - so even an information would be useful for me.

2. Asymetric shoes - I'm so in love with these slightly elegant shapes, plus an odd little “fat roll” around the sides.

3. Oversized clutch - No need to say why ^^
4. New collar necklace - Versatility with numerous styles, colors, gemstones, metals and textures.



  1. Nema veze, čestitat ćemo i u petak :)
    A ovakve cipele sam vidjela neki dan negdje..ali ubi me ne mogu da se sjetim gdje tačno o.O

    1. C'mon, sjeti seeee ! :)

    2. Uhh, kako cu da se usrecim ^^

    3. Imaju i u bordo boji. Ali ove sa slike su mi svakako ljepše :)

      Mia :*

  2. Štikle su presavršene <3 želim ih i ja... i te kako.

  3. I love that first outfit. It's very cute and professional.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  4. love peplum!


    wardrobe girls

  5. Mislim da ova ogrlica fantasticno stoji i izgleda na vratu.
    Svidja mi se zelena kombinacija skroz.Obozavam volane!!~~))

  6. Oh I love the asymetric shoes!
    xx Ilka

  7. Thanks for the visit on my blog! :)
    I like the collar necklace, by the way! :)


  8. 40's i 50's su <3, sto se tice i frizura i odjece i sminke, ma svega.

  9. I totally adored this post. The looks u have uploaded is just breath - taking!!
    Best Regards
    Miss Margaret Cruzemark
