Confession of a blogaholic
For some reason I had to write this post. As u know, I dont have a habit to write big posts, 'cause I usually make photo posts, but I think this is a great moment for a few words.
(Some of you asked me some questions, so it's time to answer them)
Really, I'm not a person who would express its feeling on some social groups, blogs or something like, but there are just some times when u feel so hard that u must say a word.
After all, I think that part of this post will be some kind of a general speaking for all the bloggers.
Yet, in the last few months, especially in the last few weeks I got so strong desire to write and blog, again and again, so I can truly say that blogging became really big part of me and my life. I'm a little ashamed to say, but I have to admit that blogging now presents 70% of my interest. Recently, I went trough some really confusing situations and big decision (for I was not even prepared) so I've lost some parts of mine and there appeard a big empty space which had to be fulfilled with something/someone. That's why blogging became so big part of me, I just filled up all my minds and time with it.
I didn't have to write this but there are sometime just so annoying people and evil comments that I ask myself is it okey to feel such a devotion for something that is not even real !?
You know, I just gave all of myself into this, blogging became included in all of my schedules and it's pretty bad feeling when some people do not understand it.
To be clear, I do not blog because of you, or someone who pays me for this, I just do this because I love it, I feel real passion about all what has to do with it.
People often ask how can I afford all of this clothes, but to be honest, I don't have all the money in the world and sure I cannot buy everything, but the money is not crucial at all. It's all about imagionation, love, passion and ideas. By the time, as you get more known among the other bloggers and when u get into it, u just start to recive different proposals for collaborations, so every of those proposers offers u different kinds of products and therefore I can wear pieces u cannot buy in Bosnia, that's all.
Another big thing I want to accent are all those evil (anonymous) comments that all the bloggers go trough. It's such a terrible thing that some of you don't even understand. Those comments made our best bh blogger, Emina Saletovic, stop writing and it's such a shame ! I know I'm a bit too critical, but can't we just support each other ? Can't we all together celebrate the success of one ?
Recently, I wrote about bh blog scene in a few different articles and I emphasized how weak our scene is, but now we have a big chance to change it, and in a name of all our bloggers, could I ask: Are u gonna continue with all that hate !? Is it worth ?
I love my blog more than any other hobby in my life, and I can't even tell that it's just a hobby, it's much more, for me it's the way of life, thinking and behaving,
but sometimes I just ask myself;
Shoud I give up or not !?
odlican post...slazem se sa svakom napisanom rijecju...
ReplyDeletenedaj se mila, kao sto si rekla, blogujes radi sebe i nekog svog zadovoljstva, drzi se toga ;)
Rijetko iskren post, pronalazim se u mnogo toga izrecenog, a tebi savjetujem da ne posustajes, ja sam takodjer srcem u ovom predivnom "hobiju" i sve dok radimo ono sto volimo bit cemo srecne, a oni kojima to smeta, savjetujem da si pronadju put i ono sto ce ih zadovoljiti u svim sferama zivota ;)
ReplyDeleteSamo naprijed <3
Your post is so true! Let's all just support each other! :)
Sve je od redka do redka tacno, i samo cu ti reci,da dok god ima strasti u tebi, niko ni te ne moze zabraniti niti te natjerati da prestanes zivjeti svoj san, zato molim te,head up and we rock stronger!! <3 Tvoj blog mi je jedan od najdrazih.
ReplyDeletesuper si to napisala, slazem se :*
ReplyDeleteNeću uopće da slušam o tome da prestaneš pisati blog! Sve što si napisala je tačno od riječi do riječi, ali treba se samo prisjetiti da ima mnogo više lijepih i pozitivnih stvari zahvaljujući blogu. Uvijek će se naći neko da kritikuje nečiji rad, što je uredu, ali ponekada nažalost ljudi pređu granice. Ja kažem glavu gore i piši prvenstveno zbog sebe pa i zbog svih nas koji te rado čitaju i prate iz posta u post!
Jedini dobar razlog da prestaneš pisati blog je previše poslovnih obaveza i ako hoćeš da se posvetiš nečem drugom, a inače ne treba da te brine šta neko kaže ... Znaš, ne može niko na svijetu da napeče narodu dovoljno kolača :) a vjeruj mi da pola anonimnih komentara uvijek dolazi od osoba koje i sama poznaješ, sa kojima se možda čak povremeno " družiš " i sve što im smeta ne mogu da ti kažu u lice jer se boje al' mogu da popljuju anonimno :)
ReplyDeleteJooj daj..nema razloga da prestaneš pisati. Pa to si ti, jednostavno! Pusti glupe anonimuse..neka rade i pričaju šta hoće! Niko nije vrijedan da se ti zbog njega odričeš svojih snova i želja :D
Slažem se sa tobom u svemu!!! Meni je blog prvenstveno moj kutak za opuštanje,a inače sam samo zbog obaveza razmišljala da prestanem pisati. Isto tako skontala sam da anonimusi najčešće "napadaju" baš najuspješnije pa neka ti to bude najveći kompliment!!! Samo ti nastavii da pišeš i uživaš, a možeš da uvedeš i kontrolu komentara :)
ReplyDeletePredivno napisano i drago mi je da si ovo javno rekla, trebao je jedan ovakav post!!
ReplyDeleteMeni je trenutno blog negde 'zaturen', preokupirale su me nekr druge stvari, takodje lepe.. Ali ne mislim ga zatvoriti, obnovicu ga kad-tad. A posebno je to iskustvo, a kasnije uspomena ogromno!!
A ti imas i veliku podrsku od svih nas blogerica!!
Bas si fino napisala a ako imas hatere to znaci da si popularna, gledaj to tako! Super si mi samo nastavi da radis kao i do sada!
ReplyDeleteThough you writed much it was so easy to read it all.
ReplyDeleteFollow each other?
Don't give up! I feel the same as you, it's like I'd write it!
Don't give up!
ReplyDeleteBRAVO! Potpisujem svaku tvoju riječ!
ReplyDeleteOdustati ??? nema od toga ništa, uvijek će biti onih kojima se ne što ne svidja, sta te briga ko šta piše ili kaže, ti znaš zašto ovo radiš i to je najbitnije, nemaš se potrebe nikome pravdati, pogotovo tim silnim anonimusima :***
ReplyDeleteSame reactions here my dear, but do not listen to the world, just do what u like!
ReplyDeleteBest Regards
Miss Margaret Cruzemark
Uvijek postoji neko ko ne podrzava nesto ali nismo svi isti srecom, tako da to stavi na ignor i nastavi sa onime sto radis :) :*
ReplyDeleteKeep doing what you love, you don't get anywhere with hating! We should, indeed, just support everyone in what he/she does!
ReplyDeleteI really agree with your opinion!
ReplyDeletebtw, thanks for your words on my blog!
it's no hard at all to walk on those shoes, feel like walk on normal platform shoes :)
maybe we can follow each to support each other? :)
Wulan Wu on
Ja ti nikad necu dopusiti da odustanes! To neka ti bude jasno! :)
ReplyDeleteSuper si blogerka, a prije svega super si osoba i bila bi stvarno steta da ti prestanes pisati blog!
Stvarno je ocigledno koliko ljubavi stoji iza svega sto radis!
Znam da mozda djeluje glupo, ipak se nismo nikad upoznale, ali stvarno si mi postala draga osoba!
I love your blog! This post is awesome!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog, write your opinion and maybe...follow?
Where are you from?
Odlična si u ovome što radiš i ne bi te trebali smetati zli anonimni komentari, pogotovo ako osoba ne može ni svoje ime napisati, a napada druge.. Ako voliš pisati blog, nastavi, mene je samo zaintrigirala ona rečenica gdje si napisala da si izgubila nešto zbog bloga.. Ako je bilo važno, a odabrala si blog, onda shvaćam zašto dilema, ali ako se radi samo o komentarima, ne razmišljaj ni sekundu o prestanku bloganja..
ReplyDeleteI Emina je super, žao mi je što je odustala, ali koliko sam shvatila, ona je to i željela...
Slucajno sam ti nasla blog i procitala ovaj post, i super si ovo napisala, mada mislim da uopste ne bi trebala obracati paznju negativnim komentarima. Just ignore it. Pozdrav iz Svedske :)