Military look is back again - but this time with a jaunty new edge.
Ripped jeans with casual loafers and a satchel for the most relaxed way to wear it. I think that this is one of the easiest trends
to incorporate into your wardrobe cause you can combine these military items with pretty much everything you already have in your
To prevent the whole look from being too masculine, I just put my red lipstick and the outfit was good to go.
I really enjoy wearing monochrome clothes cause it is one of the simplest
and most chic looks and it works with every age. Monochrome fashion is the easiest trend to wear this season cause it consists a simple black and white colour palette. If you are a fan of this trend, u can include panels, abstract prints, clashing prints or stripes + some colorful jewelry.
Today's weather just simply perfect for being outside and playing with cameras. And I did what I usually do -
I played as a "model". I really love some of these amazing captures. I must admit that I really love taking pictures and there is
something so addicting about capturing moments.
Considering that I am blogging for almost a year, so far I have had an opportunity to collaborate with many online stores. My latest discovery is an online fashion store calledTideShewith whom I had already established contact. It is an online store that I have been searching for hours. Why ? They just have a huge range of clothing, shoes and accessories that you need a few hours to get all the detail view. The very first thing I've noticed was a wide range of different cuts. TideShe provides what you need. Things you can find here follow the latest trends in high and street fashion.
Considering that fashion is constantly changing and advancing, it is necessary to improve the daily offer - and TideShe do it !
You can also notice that new things coming in every day, and besides, there are always some of the products that are on sale. But if you pay attention, you'll notice that you don't even need a sale - cuz the prices are extremely low and affordable, convenient for customers worldwide.
I think that this is the thing I should emphasize especially because they offer you extremely fashionable products for perfectly reasonable prices !
In addition, TideShe ships to all the parts of the world.
All you need to do is to visitTideShe, take a few hours to review the products and enjoy the incredible good stuff !
Prošle sedmice sam dobila paket sa nekoliko novih prozivoda iz Max Factora (između ostalog, bio je tu i jedan proizvod koji na tržište dolazi tek početkom maja, no o njemu ćete imati priliku da čitate u nekom od narednih postova). Naime, ono čemu sam se posebno obradovala, bile su dvije (trenutno najčešće korištene) ljubavice, Max Factor Colour Elixir Giant Pen Sticks. Naime, riječ je o ružu u olovci, čija formula sadrži intenzivne pigmente što doprinosi jako jednostavnom nanošenju i dugotrajnoj postojanosti boje. Ooo, da, još kako dugotrajnoj !
Potvrđeno na meni :) Naime, u danu kada je ovaj post rađen, boja na mojim usnama trajala je (vjerovali ili ne) punih 7 sati ! Usput, ovaj savršeni ruž je morao da pretrpi moje jutarnje predavanje, ispit, ručak i dvije kafe, a i dalje je izgledalo kao da sam ga tek nanijela. Kada bih morala da ga uporedim sa nečim, onda bi najboljI primjer za to bile vodootporne maskare, jer bez obzira na okolnosti, boja opstaje (i zaista, ne pišem ovo kako bih učinila uslugu Max Factoru, već naprosto kako bih svim onim djevojkama koje su u potrazi za kvalitetnim, a ujedno praktičnim ružem za usne, olakšala posao i skratila muke).
U postu sam koristila nijansu 30 Designer Blossom, koja je u principu intenzivna crvena, međutim, ukoliko želite nešto blažu nijansu, nakon nanošenja ovog ruža, na usne nanesite lagani sloj pudera, pri čemu će crvena boja poprimiti nešto suptilniju nijansu.
Sure it was perfect and it always is when we are together.
Yesterday we spent the whole day together just laughing around and having fun. Also, our dear Sanita from SArt Nakit (handmade jewelry shop) made some unique gifts for each of us and it was a really nice suprise.